
Scoot Cabin Crew Recruitment [Singapore]

We offer you a wanderlust career where you’ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time)!. You’ll also get to meet people from all walks of life in your line of duty, as well as experience new cultural exchanges anywhere you fly!

As if that’s not awesome enough, there is unlimited discounted staff travel perks to sweeten the deal for those looking to check off their travel bucket list!

Job Description:

Why be Scootees?

Let your sparkly dreams and wanderlust-filled heart take off when you join Scoot as cabin crew! Our Scootees don’t just fly; they are passionate about creating one-of-a-kind fun and quirky Scoot experience on board with their inflight hospitality while maintaining safety at every altitude.

Here, you will find your community of warm and inclusive teammates, made up of enthusiastic individuals from all walks of life, all with a deep passion for flying. Based in sunny and cosmopolitan Singapore, it’s your perfect gateway to experiencing new destinations and cultural exchanges!

Kickstart your Scootee journey with an initial 3-year contract and the potential for additional contracts based on your performance. Enjoy a competitive monthly gross salary of around $3,600* and unlimited staff travel perks for your family and friends so you can turn your wanderlust dreams into reality—at a fraction of the cost!

As if that’s not awesome enough, for our Singaporeans and PR folks, you’ll get to enjoy a $4000 sign-on bonus*!

Your responsibilities as Scootees:

Your primary duty is to keep our passengers safe at every altitude. Working together as a team, you will also be responsible for delivering exceptional service and adding a vibrant touch to every flight. By maintaining up-to-date knowledge on all areas of duty, you are all set to impress and contribute to every enjoyable travel experience!

Ready to Soar? Here’s what to expect during training!

To get you Scoot-ready, you will undergo a 2-month training programme upon joining. Topics include:

  • Safety emergency drills
  • Door operation
  • Fire fighting
  • First aid
  • Grooming
  • Scootitude
  • Passenger handling
  • Inflight sales procedures

Go Scootin’ with us as Scootees today!

  • You are 18 years old and above.
  • You meet the min. height requirement of at least 1.58m for females and 1.65m for males to carry out safety and emergency procedures onboard.
  • You have min. qualification of 3 GCE ‘O’ level subject passes (including English) or 5 GCE ‘N(A)’ / ‘N(T)’ level subject passes (including English), 3 SPM subject passess certification including English with a Grade C and above.
  • You are able to work on a rostered schedule including weekends and public holidays.
  • You are medically fit to perform the role of a cabin crew.

Hurry, Apply with Us Now!


Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to our Assessment Centre!

Successful candidates must be able to commence employment with us within two months from the date of assessment centre. ​

*Terms & conditions apply

Published by
Better Aviation

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