
Cebu Pacific Air Cabin Crew


  • At lease 5’3 in height for females and 5’7 for males.
  • With weight proportional to height
  • Clear complexion, good eyesight and a catchy smile
  • College level
  • Proficient in Filipino and English language
  • Willing to be assigned outside of Metro Manila
  • Full-time position(s) available


  • Guarantee the safety of guests on board the aircraft
  • Ensures that guests have a fund and pleasant flying experience

Walk-in Application:

Date: 30th September 2016
Venue: Eton Room, Mallberry Suites Business Hotel, Florentino Drive, Limketkai Centre, Cagayan de Oro City.
One day process: 9:00am to 3:00pm but acceptance of CV until 1:00pm only

Bring updated CV with 2×2 picture and come in business attire.

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