
No one becomes a top-notch pilot overnight. As novice pilots gain experience and training they are able to pursue their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our first priority and never-wavering promise to our customers is safety, and that requires the highest degree of professionalism, skill and character from every one of our pilots.

STARLUX is seeking licensed commercial pilots with multi-engine and instrument ratings to undertake a six-month type rating training program, which includes ground school, simulator training and initial operating experience. Upon completion of the program and line check, you will be ready to take off as a First Officer at STARLUX, advancing your professional flying career to new heights.

Minimum Application Requirements:

  • Citizen of R.O.C. Taiwan (with a valid National Identification Card).
  • Education: Associate’s degree or above (foreign degrees must be authenticated by an R.O.C. diplomatic mission).
  • Hold a valid certificate of proficiency in English:
    1. TOEIC: 750 or above (listening: 400) & 140 or above in speaking and writing.
    2. BULATS / Linguaskill B2 or above in listening, reading, speaking and writing.
    3. TOEFL iBT: 80 or above (listening: 21).
    4. IELTS: 5.5 or above.
    5. ICAO English Proficiency Level 4 or above.
  • Hold a valid FAA, CAA or ICAO Commercial Pilot License, with multi-engine and instrument rating.
  • Minimum of 250 total flight hours. (Including up to 50 hours in simulator)
  • Have flight operation within 12 months prior to applying.
  • Have passed R.O.C. CAA Airman Written Examination.
  • Hold a valid R.O.C. CAA Class One Medical Certificate.
  • Provide one reference contact information.

Documents for Application:

  • National Identification Card
  • Highest academic degree. For current students, please provide your student card.
  • Valid certificate of proficiency in English.
  • Certificate of discharge or military service status issued by the Ministry of Defense.
  • FAA, CAA or ICAO Commercial Pilot License.
  • Non-incident/accident Record provided by license issued authority and the flight training institute.
  • R.O.C. CAA Airman Written Examination pass notice. (Holders of R.O.C. CAA Commercial Pilot License are not required to provide this pass notice.)
  • R.O.C. CAA Class One Medical Certificate.
  • Flight logbook.


  • Application Period: From now until 2020/8/14 23:59 PM.
  • Graduating students and discharging military personnel may participate in the screening process. Graduation diploma and military discharge papers must be obtained prior to the commencement of training, or admission eligibility will be revoked.
  • All stages of the admission process must be performed to STARLUX’s satisfaction in order to be admitted into the CPL program.
  • Admitted individuals shall sign a training contract with STARLUX to obtain the status of a trainee first officer.
  • All STARLUX rules must be followed during the training process.

Recruitment Process:

  1. Written Exam
  2. Group Assessment
  3. Individual Professional Interview
  4. Simulator Assessment

For any inquiries, please email pilotrecruit@starlux-airlines.com

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