Raya Airways A321 Captain
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We are hiring A321 Pilots!
- Applicants must be below 53 years old
- This application is open to Malaysians only
- Airbus experience and/or a valid Airbus Type Rating will be an advantage
- With at least 5,000hrs grand total
- 1,000hrs as P1 on jet aircraft or 500hrs as P1 on Airbus FBW aircraft
- Possess valid CAAM licence
To Apply:
Step 1: eForm
Please scan the QR code (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yG8i25_bWUquTzYhaPgTz20hDe8HfMJLo7_oUXbQWrNUQ1dXT1paR1dBS0dMOEVLV0VTVE5FTlkyTy4u) and fill in the eForm.
Step 2: Email
Please submit your CV and all documents as stated in the eForm to recruitment@rayaairways.com
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted via email about the interview details.